Among the many Archangels, three stand out for their prominent roles in guiding and protecting humanity. These are Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Raphael. Each plays a crucial role in supporting us on our spiritual journeys and offering divine assistance when needed.
Archangel Michael - The Divine Protector: Michael is the leader of the heavenly armies, known for his strength and courage. He protects against negative energies and supports those fighting for justice and truth.
Archangel Gabriel - The Messenger of God: Gabriel is known for delivering divine messages and bringing clarity to those seeking guidance. He is often associated with communication, creativity, and transformation.
Archangel Raphael - The Healing Light: Raphael is the angel of healing and divine guidance. His energy is nurturing and restorative, helping individuals heal on all levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Connecting with the 3 Main Archangels:
The 3 Main Archangels—Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael—are ever-present guides, offering their protection, wisdom, and healing energy. By calling upon them, you align yourself with divine support on your journey.